About grovemanse
grovemanse has developed solutions in the
fields of internet applications and e-commerce.
The company works as a software consultant to both small
and large companies, including government and financial
organisations. The aim of grovemanse is to
provide high quality solutions to real world problems using
proven techniques.
grovemanse can provide consultancy to
clients in the following areas:
-- Project methodology recommendations
-- Object modelling and UML design
-- Technical architecture
-- Software construction and development
-- Mentoring
-- Web design and hosting
We have invaluable experience in the following
-- Java, JSP, Servlets, JDBC , EJBs, XML, Struts, HTML
-- XDoclet, Ant, Hibernate, Middlegen, JUnit
-- DB2, PostgreSQL, Sybase, Ingres, MySQL
-- Websphere, JBoss, Tomcat, Apache
We have delivered Java solutions for many high-profile
clients, including:
-- Abbey
-- JP Morgan
-- Scottish